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Outside my Euxton Garden

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:02 pm
by Mervyn Thornhill
Why am I first on today at this time? Is everyone out shopping?

I've just walked over the field behind the house to where the Main Line railway crosses the Yarrow. As I stood looking down to the Yarrow a big fox, looking in good condition came under the railway from the east carrying a rabbit. I think it could sense me but just walked around me about 30m away.

The field, and our garden, are full of what must be fox tracks. You can't see the prints but the nature of them makes them different from all the dog tracks etc. Field is also full of rabbit tracks (there'll be one less making them tonight) but no sign of any deer tracks.

There were several new molehills including one that was absolutely soft and fresh. How can a mole get through what must be several inches of rock hard ground that I couldn't break through with a spade?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:57 pm
by Chris Rae
No. We've all been out enjoying the birdwatching. :wink:



Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:12 pm
by tony
Hey Chris, another great photo there. Very arty.