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Duke Street Primary School "bioblitz"

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:24 pm
by paul b
I helped the school's environmental group "The Green Team" survey their field -opposite Ranglett's Rec as was-and in an hour we found:

Tree bumblebee
White tailed bumblebee
Common shiny woodlouse
Common pygmy woodlouse
Common striped woodlouse
Common centipede
Black garden ant
Capsid bug (unidentified)
Ground beetle larvae (unidentified)
White lipped banded snail
Grey field slug
Brown field slug
Large red slug

Wood pigeon
Oystercatcher (flying over)
House sparrow

Hedgehog (dead)

Meadow buttercup
Herb Robert
(only plants in flower recorded)

The children were really enthusiastic and I think learned a lot -we really only touched on a tiny fraction of what's there-it's a fantastic resource in the centre of town -further surveys are a definite priority